Photo By Ivanka Kunianska at Shutterstock Many household appliances operate using gas; therefore, it’s essential to know what to do in the event of a gas leak. It’s crucial that you and your family are safe in your home. You should ensure that potentially dangerous gas appliances are correctly maintained, as having a faulty gas appliance […]
5 Less Obvious Signs Of A Gas Leak | Hollywood, FL
Photo By kreativebrain at istock Most homeowners know how to detect a gas leak, as most gas companies will inject some type of strong odour into the gas. If you ever smell sulphur are rotten eggs in your home, there’s a good chance that there’s a leak somewhere. Once you notice that there’s a chance […]
How To Identify A Gas Leak | Fort Lauderdale, FL
Photo By Andrey_Popov at Shutterstock Natural gas has been used to cook, heat and light homes, and do laundry for well over a century. Today, 69 million American households use natural gas. It accounts for about 24% of residential energy consumption, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). One of the biggest benefits of gas […]
4 Signs That There’s A Gas Leak | Fort Lauderdale, FL
Photo By Dragana Gordic at Shutterstock Gas leaks can be incredibly dangerous. The gases are volatile, so they can lead to explosions. If inhaled in large quantities, the gases may also cause health problems to emerge. It’s important that you pay attention to weird smells and other signs that there may be a leak present in […]