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Fort Lauderdale’s Top Water Heater Services: Tankless And Conventional

At bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of Fort Lauderdale, FL, we have technicians who specialize in tankless and traditional repairs and replacements. Let us inspect your unit and find out whether you need a new thermostat or other parts. We can also drain the tank to prevent the buildup of sentiments and other issues.

Routine Maintenance

Our maintenance plans can keep your unit running well and help you get the maximum use of your heater. Keep your hot water flowing by scheduling an appointment with our team today.

New Water Heater Installation

If you would like our advice on the best unit for your business or home, call us to discuss your requirements. We can make recommendations for energy-efficient brands that will serve your house or business well. Many homeowners don’t have plumbing experience and don’t feel comfortable installing their own heaters. Our team has both plumbing and electrical skills to safely install all brands of conventional tank water heaters and tankless water heaters.

There are many benefits to relying on professionals for installation. The last thing you need is a flood of hot water running through your home, damaging your walls and flooring and presenting health risk for your family. Since these appliances heat water, working on them without the proper credentials could result in electrocution or scalding. Therefore, we recommend calling in professionals when you buy a new water heater.

Water Heater Repairs

If your hot water tank or unit doesn’t work properly, living in your home becomes much more difficult. These units break as a result of faulty equipment or mechanical failure. Below, you could find typical reasons South Florida area residents call bluefrog for assistance with their hot water woes.

No Power

Before you call us, you can check whether you’re electric or gas unit has blown a fuse. To do so, locate the safety switch near your thermometer. Try resetting the switch or flipping the circuit breaker that powers your heater.
Gas-powered units stop working when you run out of gas. So, that’s something you can check on your own. Call the gas company if you need a fresh tank. For other problems, call us for a technician who’s familiar with your make and model.

Thermostat Problems

It’s not always easy to determine whether your thermostat is working properly. Luckily, thermostats don’t often break or malfunction. If possible, keep the owner’s manual handy so that you can test it and figure out if you need a new thermostat.
When thermostats break, the reset button often continuously pops up. This means that the temperature has exceeded 180 degrees, the maximum temperature for safe operations. Call us if you have any questions or need us to test or replace your thermostat.

Pilot Light

On traditional units, a thermophile or thermocouple keeps the pilot light burning. In turn, this creates an electrical current that controls the gas valve. However, when the pilot light goes out, the valve remains closed. There are many malfunctions that can result in a pilot light that won’t stay lit. It could be as simple as a strong draft or come from a mechanical issue with your heater. Let us troubleshoot your electric or gas heater to determine the best way to keep your hot water running.

Tankless Water Heaters

These appliances can save energy by heating water as you need it. These units provide hot water on demand and can significantly cut down your utility bills. There are fewer moving parts to these modern units. However, it’s not always the best option for your home. If you need help deciding whether a tankless heater can meet your hot water needs, call bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of Fort Lauderdale today.

Reasons for tankless unit repair may involve the following:

  • Mineral Buildup
  • Ignition Failure
  • Flame Failure
  • Air Supply/Exhaust Blockage

Mineral Buildup

Minerals build up in the water lines is a problem for traditional and tankless units. Hard water at your business or home can cause a high mineral content. Mineral buildup can damage your tankless and traditional heater. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium can damage the unit and make it harder for water to flow through the lines.
Setting up a maintenance schedule to flush out your water lines can prevent this from occurring. We use a mineral descaler and flush out your tank in a traditional unit. A water softener can also decrease the number of minerals that accumulate in your pipes.

Demand Overload

Tankless water heaters don’t store hot water. Therefore, if you need more hot water than a system can supply, you can cause an overload. This could happen if you’re trying to run the dishwasher, do a load of laundry and take a shower at the same time, for example. There are many ways to correct this issue. You may need a secondary tankless unit to meet the demands of your household or you may decide to switch to a traditional unit.

You can try to monitor your usage, and resetting the unit often restores your hot water. However, if your unit becomes overloaded regularly you may need to upgrade to one with a higher capacity.

Avoid Running Out of Hot Water

If you have a large household, it might be wise to stagger the shower schedule. Otherwise, you may run out of hot water while taking a shower. This occurs when there’s some hot water in the line, but your tankless unit can’t heat up enough water to keep the supply coming. Just wait a couple of minutes to give your unit time to recharge.

For customers living in a full household, you may already stagger your showers to avoid overloading the unit. Still, it’s probable that you’ve run out of hot water in the shower at least once.

Contact bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of Fort Lauderdale, FL at 954-743-0404 for assistance installing, replacing or repairing your traditional or tankless water heater.

Contact Us

If you require water heater repair and installations, please contact bluefrog Plumbing + Drain at (954) 743-0404. We’re always available to handle repairs, maintenance, or professional installations!

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Blue Frog

4774 NE 10th Ave,
Oakland Park, FL 33334
License: CFC1428128

(954) 743-0404

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